Thursday, June 21, 2012

Math for kids app on iphone

RT Math Kids

Это приложение для детей от 2 до 6 лет.  Ребенок знакомиться с математикой играя. В конце каждого уровня он получает награду что мотивирует ребенка играть дальше.

This app is for kids from 2 to 6 years.
Kids learn math through playing math games and they get rewarded at the end of each level, which  motivates children to play more and learn more. Kids learn to count and write numbers through tracing the dotted numbers with their fingers. Also they learn to compare, find the pattern and other basic math concepts.
After completing all levels children discover a  bonus level, which contains tasks that wrap up everything they studied. And after completing the bonus tasks kids get a small fragment of animation as a reward for solving problems.

Here is the link